The person who consecrates himself to St. Joseph wants to be as close to their spiritual father as possible, to the point of resembling him in virtue and holiness. Saint Joseph, in turn, will give those consecrated to him his undivided attention, protection, and guidance. – Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
The year 2021, was declared the year of St. Joseph by the Holy See. As New Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, Patrick Kelly consecrated his administration of the Knights of Columbus to St. Joseph. Supreme Knight Kelly pointed to the saint as the protector of Jesus and called on Knights to do the same in reverencing and protecting the Eucharist.
Knights on Bikes United States National President, SK Doug Richardson, noting that Knights on Bikes had never been consecrated to any saint since their inception in 2005, set upon a mission to dedicate and consecrate Knights on Bikes United States to St. Joseph.
St. Joseph, also known as "Guardian of the Family" and “Guardian of the Truth" as well as being foster father to the Son of God, seemed especially fitting for Knights on Bikes. Most of us are fathers and husbands.
NP Richardson contacted Knights on Bikes United States National Chaplain Fr. Jim Hyde to make arrangements for a consecration mass. NP Richardson picked the date of December 10th as it was the Feast day of Our Lady of Loreto. Loreto being the site of the Santa Casa, the childhood home of the Virgin Mary which was miraculously transported by angels from Nazareth to Loreto in the 13th century. It is also believed to be the place of St. Josephs death.
On December 10, 2021, NP Doug Richardson flew to Chicago from his home in New Orleans to be an active part of the Knights on Bikes United States Consecration to St. Joseph. St. Joseph Catholic Church on Orleans Street in Chicago, Illinois was the beautiful location where Fr. Jim celebrated a wonderful mass. The service was attended by Knights on Bikes members in person with an untold number of brothers watching it on Facebook Live. A YouTube video was also created to be seen after the fact.
Let us never forget that we are Catholic Gentlemen, Knights of Columbus members who ride motorcycles. But we are also fathers, husbands, guardians of our families.... Let us strive to imitate St. Joseph and call upon him to help and guide us.